

奨学金を運営する国際会計人養成基金資産運営委員会では、「国際会計人養成奨学金第7期 募集要項」に基づき、第7期奨学金受給希望者を募集することといたしました。
(国際会計人養成基金資産運営委員会 委員長 藤沼亜起)




(1) 原則として応募時点で満40歳以下の日本在住の会員又は準会員(会則第4条第3項第二号及び第四号)
(2) 原則として過去1年以内、公認会計士事務所、監査法人等に勤務している等、公認会計士又は会計士補としての業務若しくは準会員(第4条第3項第四号の準会員に限る。) が行う公認会計士又は監査法人の補助業務に従事し、かつ、原則として修了後すみやかに帰国し日本国内において公認会計士又は試験合格者等として業務に従事することを予定している者
(3) 語学学校に通う等、留学の希望をもっており、委員会が適当と認めた大学院への来年の留学を検討している者
(4) 語学能力:TOEFL IBTで79点以上又は英検準一級以上


(1) 支給額は学費(入学金、授業料等の学費)、留学に伴う滞在費等、本人の申請に基づいて委員会が審査の上で決定し、年間500万円を上限とする。(2年間で計1,000万円)
(2) 出発前に入学金、前期分の授業料、滞在に係る生活費等を支給し、その後定期的に必要金額を滞在先に送金する予定としている。

(1) 支給した奨学金の30%を、修了後3年間据え置いた後、原則として一括返済する。
(2) 分割返済を希望する場合には、公認会計士協同組合が斡旋するローン(最長7年)を利用する。
(3) 修了後3年以内に、公認会計士又は会計士補等としての業務と関わりのない業務に従事する又は公認会計士業界以外の国内外の民間企業等に就職するなど、本奨学金の目的に反すると委員会が判断した場合には、支給した奨学金の全額又はその一部を返済するものとする。
(4) 当奨学金の支給条件は、大学院会計学修士課程又はMBA課程を卒業することを前提としており、卒業できない場合には支給した奨学金の全額又はその一部を返済するものとする(ただし、病気その他やむを得ない事情があると認めた場合を除く。)。


8. 留学中及び修了後の報告
(1) 留学中、半年ごとに学習の状況その他本会が定める事項を記載した報告書を提出する。
(2) 修了時、修了1年後及び修了3年後に、勤務先その他本会が定める事項を記載した報告書を提出する。



(1) 書類選考(応募締切後すみやかに実施し、合否に関係なくメールにて結果を通知)
(2) 面接(9月中旬頃を予定)
(3) (2)の面接により内定者決定。委員会が認めた大学院への入学決定後、奨学金支給対象者として正式決定。


(1) 奨学金申込書(本会ウェブサイト「会員専用サイト」からダウンロードのこと。)
(2) TOEFL等の得点取得証明書(発行日が応募締切日から2年以内のもの。写し可。)
(3) 健康診断書(過去1年以内のもの。写し可。)

日本公認会計士協会 国際会計人養成奨学金
2年留学コース 係
Tel:03-3515-1120 Fax:03-5226-3351
E-mail: soumu@jicpa.or.jp

(1) 契約書(6.の奨学金の返済条件の確約等、本人のほか身元保証人1名の署名捺印が必要)
(2) 合格証書(留学先の学校から届き次第、速やかに提出のこと。写し可。)
(3) 監査法人等に勤務している場合には、留学についての勤務先の承諾書
(4) 留学中の国内外の連絡先

(1) 留学先において発生したトラブル等に対応するため、本会が契約した留学斡旋会社の24時間電話相談(フリーコールにより日本語で相談できるアドバイス・サービス)を利用することができる。
(2) 本会は、本奨学金受給者(内定を含む。)であることを証する書類は、原則として発行いたしません。
以 上




(1) 原則として応募時点で満40歳以下の日本在住の会員又は準会員(会則第4条第3項第二号及び第四号)
(2) 原則として過去1年以内、公認会計士事務所、監査法人等に勤務している等、公認会計士又は会計士補としての業務若しくは準会員(第4条第3項第四号の準会員に限る。) が行う公認会計士又は監査法人の補助業務に従事し、かつ、原則として修了後すみやかに帰国し日本国内において公認会計士又は試験合格者等として業務に従事することを予定している者
(3) 語学学校に通う等、留学の希望をもっており、委員会が適当と認めた大学院への来年の留学を検討している者
(4) 語学能力:TOEFL IBTで79点以上又は英検準一級以上


(1) 支給額は学費(入学金、授業料等の学費)、留学に伴う滞在費等、本人の申請に基づいて委員会が審査の上で決定し、年間600万円を上限とする。
(2) 出発前に入学金、前期分の授業料、滞在に係る生活費等を支給し、その後定期的に必要金額を滞在先に送金する予定としている。

(1) 支給した奨学金の30%を、修了後3年間据え置いた後、原則として一括返済する。
(2) 分割返済を希望する場合には、公認会計士協同組合が斡旋するローン(最長7年)を利用する。
(3) 修了後3年以内に、公認会計士又は会計士補等としての業務と関わりのない業務に従事する又は公認会計士業界以外の国内外の民間企業等に就職するなど、本奨学金の目的に反すると委員会が判断した場合には、支給した奨学金の全額又はその一部を返済するものとする。
(4) 当奨学金の支給条件は、大学院会計学修士課程を卒業することを前提としており、卒業できない場合には支給した奨学金の全額又はその一部を返済するものとする(ただし、病気その他やむを得ない事情があると認めた場合を除く。)。


8. 留学中及び修了後の報告
(1) 留学中、半年後に学習の状況その他本会が定める事項を記載した報告書を提出する。
(2) 修了時、修了1年後及び修了3年後に、勤務先その他本会が定める事項を記載した報告書を提出する。



 (1) 書類選考(応募締切後すみやかに実施し、合否に関係なくメールにて結果を通知)
 (2) 面接(9月中旬頃を予定)
(3) (2)の面接により内定者決定。委員会が認めた大学院への入学決定後、奨学金支給対象者として正式決定。


(1) 奨学金申込書(本会所定の様式、ウェブサイトからダウンロードのこと。)
(2) TOEFL等の得点取得証明書(発行日が応募締切日から2年以内のもの。写し可。)
(3) 健康診断書(過去1年以内のもの。写し可。)

日本公認会計士協会 国際会計人養成奨学金
1年留学コース 係
Tel:03-3515-1120 Fax:03-5226-3351
E-mail: soumu@jicpa.or.jp

(1) 契約書(6.の奨学金の返済条件の確約等、本人のほか身元保証人1名の署名捺印が必要)
(2) 合格証書(留学先の学校から届き次第、速やかに提出のこと。写し可。)
(3) 監査法人等に勤務している場合には、留学についての勤務先の承諾書
(4) 留学中の国内外の連絡先

(1) 留学先において発生したトラブル等に対応するため、本会が契約した留学斡旋会社の24時間電話相談(フリーコールにより日本語で相談できるアドバイス・サービス)を利用することができる。
(2) 本会は、本奨学金受給者(内定を含む。)であることを証する書類は、原則として発行いたしません。

以 上




 それでは、積極的に会話していくということはどういうことでしょうか? ただ単に話す機会を増やすということは重要ですが、それと同時に少しの工夫をすることが効果的に会話力を上げるのに有効であるように思えました。その工夫は、3点あって、第一に、時間制限のあるアウトプットを増やすこと。第二に、日本語を英語に訳そうとしないこと。第三に、活きた英語表現を身につける努力をすること、です。簡単にこの3点について述べてみたいと思います。
次に、日本語を英語に訳そうとしないことです。どうしても英語を日本語にしようとするとスピードが落ちます。特に母国語の文構造が英語と異なる日本人と韓国人に、テンポが遅くなってしまうことが多いように見受けられました。日本語が名詞主導で文が決まるのとは対照的に、英語は動詞主導で文が決まることが多いです。”come, get, take, work, put…”など簡単な動詞で文章をリズムよく作っていくことがテンポのよい会話に必要となってくると思いました。
そして最後に挙げるのは、積極的に活きた英語を身につける姿勢です。ただ単に話しているだけでは、たどたどしい英語によるコミュニケーションに終始してしまいがちです。ネイティブと話しているときや、海外DVDや映画を見ているときも、趣のある英語表現はノートをとるぐらいまでして貪欲に覚えていくのが効果的だと思いました。例えば”weird”という単語を現地ではかなり使いますが、日本での英語教育ではあまり聞く機会がないように思えます。その他にも、明日の都合を聞くときに、”Is it convenient for you tomorrow?” と聞くのもいいですが、カジュアルに”Does tomorrow work for you?” と聞くのも、テンポがよくていいと思いました。





TOEFL writing

In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example,
honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor) that a person can have to be
successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your
experience to explain your answer. When you write your answer, you are
not limited to the examples listed in the question.

Some people say intelligence is the most important factor of the success in life, while others insist that kindness is indispensable for the happy life. However, in my opinion, honesty is the most important characteristic for people to succeed in life for the following two reasons. First, you can keep on good terms with many people who help you if needed. Second, it helps you to face your reality. This essay will discuss these reasons in further detail.

One of the positive aspects of honesty is that honest people can easily make good friends with others. People tend to trust only honest people. And when I have desperate problems, I can try to count on them. It is very important because I think life consists of helping each other. For example, when I was a university student, I had difficulty with finding a job. I was rejected by many companies, and I was deeply disappointed. But one of my friends informed me that one of his friends was searching workers even that time. Moreover, he gave me a lot of advice. In this way, I got accepted by the company, and I was able to start working. I appreciate the network very much.

Another advantage of being honest is that it makes me to face my reality. People are often afraid of accepting the reality, so they apt to deceive themselves. But if I try to keep honest, I need not to tell a lie about myself, so I can avoid it. For example, when I was first year in my office, I could not understand almost anything about how to do my duty. However, I tried to being honest, so I asked my senior staff that I could not understand how to do my job and asked him for advice. It was true that I often got scolded, but it was beneficial for me to admit my reality and ask someone for help.

In conclusion, I think honesty is indispensable for success in life because I can make the great relationship with other people which help me if I have difficulty. Furthermore, being honest helps me not to deceive myself and it leads to my best practice. Now, I do not have a child, but when I have a child, I will like to teach him or her the importance of honesty.

TOEFL writing exercise

Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human
activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to
live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.

Some people say that human activity is necessary for them to live on the Earth comfortably, while others insist that we have to limit our activity for the Earth. In my opinion, the latter one is true for the following reasons. Firstly, human activity has been causing the climate change. Secondly, people often discard their garbage into the ocean, mountains, and so on. This essay will discuss these reasons in further detail.

One of the negative sides of human activity is that it brings up the climate change. Global warming leads to melting ice of mountain, raising the surface of the sea, and significant damage on the crop. For example, as the surface of the sea rises, it is expected that many coast areas will be sunk. Of course, this sinking will cause the devastating damage from the residential side, the natural environment side, and so on. It is also true that the climate change has not been proved enough by scientists, but it is too late once it happens. So, we have to pay attention to limit our activity for keeping the Earth as a good place for human beings.

Another demerit of human activity is that they throw away a lot of garbage. They abandon their trashes into the ocean, mountains, islands and it destroys the natural beauty. For example, Mt. Fuji is one of the most famous mountains in Japan for its beauty. However, it is also known for its filth. This is because many tourists litter while climbing, and many trashes have been left. Not only from the perspective of beauty, but also from the perspective for the natural environment, disorganized trashing is the problem. For example, many birds eat garbage wrongly and suffer every year.

In conclusion, I think human activity harm the Earth because people are changing the climate by its activity. Furthermore, they have been making the environment dirtier by its arbitrary behavior. So, to keep the Earth beautiful, and above all to keep the Earth sustainable so that our offspring can live in, we will have to rethink about our activity.

TOEFL writing exercise

Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do
not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that
may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.

It is true that we often see some advertisemets threaten people to buy products, making you hurry, exaggerating their effects, and so on. However, in my opinion, advertisemens have genarally more good points for us. This because of the following reasons. First, advertising is communication. Second, advertising makes the fashion. This essay will discuss these reasons in further detail

One of the benefitial aspects of advertisement is that it is the bridge between the company and the consumer. Through advertising, the company can inform the customers of the new product which makes the life of the customers better, while the customers can also know which product may solve the problems or needs of the customers. For example, I always had difficulty with taking the book I wanted to read because it was often heavy. However, thanks to the advertisment of the electrical book, I was able to know it would help with my problem. In this way, advertising is one of the most effective way to convey the characteristic of the new product.

Another advantage of advertising is that it makes the fashion of the new product. Some customers want to distinguish themselves with the new products. They often want not only the new feature, but also the new fashion that the product has. So, for these customers, advertising has the benefit that they can know the atmosphere which the product has, and this benefit helpes them to form their own life style. "iPod" could be the instance. By its very sophisticated advetising, they knew its characteristic or mood of iPod, then people who want to live stylish bought iPod.

In conclusion, advertising is useful for the consumers because it helps them to know how the product can improve their lives. Moreover, people who like to be different from other people can also use most of advertising, because it often makes the up to date fashion. Of course, we have to pay attention to the advertising who threaten the people not reasonably. However, until I keep it in mind, advertising will have been the good communication between the company and me.

writing exercise Jul 19th

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates
are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in
school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some say that parents have a influence on the success of their children because parents bring up their children since their children were born, while others think that the children are impressed by their classmates more than parents. In my opinion, the latter one is true, so I agree with the statement which is mentioned in the question. This is because of the following reasons. Firstly, classmates are best partners for children. Secondly, children study hard if they have rivals. This essay will discuss these reasons in further detail.

One of the good aspects of classmates is that they may be the best partners for children. Classmates are the same age, so they tend to have similar worries about study, their future and so on. In that case, children can consult with classmates and feel it easy if they share their worries. For example, when I was a high school student, I was worried that I could not understand mathematics very much. Some day, I found friends who also have trouble with math. We decided to start studying mathematics together after class. When we could not understand in spite of thinking a lot, we asked my classmate who was good at mathematics. It helped me understand mathematics very much, and finally I got a high grade on mathematics.

Another advantage of having classmates is that they could be the best rivals for children. Children often feel studying boring, so if children want to continue studying at stable pace, they need rivals who they compete with. If they have rivals, children want not to lose by them, and they study harder. For instance, when I was a junior high school student, I had a great rival. He was much better at memorizing than me, and he always got good grades without studying hard. On the other hand, I was not good at learning by heart, I had a strong incentive that I wanted to win my rival, so I studied much harder than my rival. When I got better grades than my rival had, I felt very happy and I appreciated it that I had a great rival.

In conclusion, I think classmates have more influence on a child's success in school because it is important to have friends that a child can count on if he or she has a worry. Moreover, it often happens that children feel it boring to study hard. In this sense, classmates are beneficial because they could be the best rivals of children and they would be the incentive that children study hard not to lose by rivals. I do not have children now, but when I have my children someday, I will strongly recommend my children to have good friends who will be the rivals for them.

writing exercise

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number
of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community,
or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in
search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to supportyour opinion.

Some say that they prefer to live in one place because they like to keep being on close terms with their friends who live in the same area, others insist that they like to move many times because it has more benefits. In my opinion, the latter one is true for the following reasons. Firstly, I can truly enjoy what I like in the most appropriate area. Secondly, I can get a better job which gives me a higher salary. This essay will discuss these reasons in further detail.

One of the most useful aspects of keep changing the place is that it enables me to look for the place where I can enjoy what I like. People who like marine sports can move to live near the ocean, and people who like to go to the theater can change the place to live where the show business flourishes. In my case, my favorite hobby is listening to the music played by the professional musicians. These lives are held often in the city. However, I lived in the rural area when I was a child, so I could not go often to listen to the music lives. Now, I have moved to the city where I can enjoy the mucical lives, so I go to the concerts, lives, and so on almost every day. I feel very happy with it.

Another important advantage of moving the place is that I can get a better job which gives me a higher salary. It often happens that I have to move in order to get a better job. For example, where I was born and grown up until I entered the university, I could hardly find the good job because in the rural area such jobs were not offered. At present, I live in the one of the biggest city in the world, so I can easily find the job which gives me a higher salary. I find it exciting to get a good job and it is important for me because I spend much time on working, so I would like to choose the job I feel very exciting.

In conclusion, I prefer to move the place which I live in if I find it easy and effective to enjoy what I like most in that area. Furthermore, I do not mind changing the place because it help me to look for the better job by which I can enjoy my life. Now I give priority to getting the good job, so I live in the huge city. However, when I retired, I plan to live in Europe because I can enjoy the music better in Europe than where I live now. In this way, changing the place when I want to do is also a beneficial aspect. I think I will move the place when I want to do.